Saturday, March 22, 2008 TV Commercials are pounding the air waves TV commercials are hitting the airwaves hard theses days. Credit Cards are not bad only the people that use them irresponsibly are bad. Remember, when you are out using your credit cards, the day will come when you have to repay the credit card companies for all of your purchases. If you can't pay your balances in full, the lie begins. The lie that you can actually afford your purchases. Once you are in debt, they own your ass and your life will become about paying your bills back. All of the money that you are paying in interest to the credit card companies could be going into your savings account or IRA. It does cost you. The lie is that you say to yourself that it doesn't matter. The truth is all of those pennies do add up.

If you are going to use a credit card, use it responsibly. Don't spend what you can't pay back at the end of the month. If you can use a debit card. There will be no bill at the end of the month it is just like spending cash.

Get a Credit Card and be responsible home page

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